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Northamptonshire v Dorset - UKDA National League 2022/2023 Season - Dorset County Darts

Away v Northamptonshire - Saturday 7th / Sunday 8th January 2023

Womens B

Darts British Inter County Championships 2022/2023 Division 1 Northamptonshire v Dorset Womens B Scorecard

Womens A

Darts British Inter County Championships 2022/2023 Division 1 Northamptonshire v Dorset Womens A Scorecard

Mens B

Darts British Inter County Championships 2022/2023 Division 1 Northamptonshire v Dorset Mens B Scorecard

Mens A

Darts British Inter County Championships 2022/2023 Division 1 Northamptonshire v Dorset Mens A Scorecard

Northamptonshire v Dorset Match Report

Northamptonshire County Darts Logo
Dorset County Darts Association on Green Background Logo

Week ending Saturday 7th-Sunday 8th of January saw Dorset travel away to Northamptonshire for our first game of this year. Northamptonshire play out of Burton Latimer Band Club and Institute. A lot of us travelled up Friday as it was for most just over a 3 hour trip some 150+ miles away. Nice to catch up with everyone as well before the match kicked off. Dorset retain there undefeated record although it took a fight back against Oxfordshire coming from 16-18 down to scrape a deserved Draw. So how did we do?

We caught the coach from our Hotel at 9am arriving at Burton Latimer at 9.20, in the rain not the best of starts as club didn’t open until 9.30am that was a long 10 minute wait then a mad rush to get in and get some seats. Before too long draw done and it was GAME ON.

Ladies B

Up first Jamie Walker who settled well going into a 2-0 lead then could hardly find a twenty losing 2-3. Macie Woodrow up next scored really well had goes at a double in every leg but just couldn’t hit one, losing 0-3. Donna Mabbatt (16.79) v Ellie Moore (18.09) what a close game this was first three legs could of gone either way as both had numerous darts at a double Ellie going 2-1 up. Ellie saved her best leg as in the 4th starts 125 41 85 and hits a 131 to leave tops and Donna is back on 184 as Ellie takes the win 3-1 Ellie was Northamptonshire's Lady of the Match. We as yet to find a winner trailing 0-3

Julie Boggust (18.41) up next down from the A team playing in the best game so far and coming from 1-2 down to force a decider. Close deciding leg both players having a go at the double for the win, leg to Northamptonshire. Next up Wendy Lamb (16.03) who had a close match against Faye Mason her match going to a deciding leg and this time no messing at the double giving Dorset something to cheer about and Wendy a 3-2 win. Up last Lorraine Woodrow (16.52) who had no problem running out a 3-0 winner, her winning 16.52 average made her Dorset's Lady of the Match. So the ladies recovered a little winning the last two games but lose 2-4.

Men's B

Now after a poor start to the season our Mens B have improved so hopes were high we could regain our two match deficit. Up first Ryan Gowans (24.90) v Jay Hewitt (24.23) Ryan k/o with a nice 16 dart leg, and pokes 90 in the 2nd to go 2-0 up, both had chances in the 3rd again leg to Ryan. That winning leg at times can be so hard and Ryan far from his best, Jay takes the next two and seems to be on a roll. Normal service from Ryan in the 6th and he takes the 4-2 win. Ian Spann up next far from his best but does more than enough to win 4-2. George Grant (24.20) up next loses the first two legs then hits the first 180 of the weekend and finds his scoring boots never looking back on his way to winning 4-2.

Richard Perry (21.37) v Liam Fox (26.99) up next now Richard has been so unlucky with the draw lately again today no exception coming up against an inform Liam who played like an A player not missing much he was Northamptonshire’s Man of the Match his 26.99 the highest average of the day. Rich losing 1-4. Next up the consistent Rob Channing winning 4-1. John Clark next up missed doubles to go 3-0 up against Lol Chadfield (unusual name Lol) and loses 2-4. So after 6 matches Dorset now level overall and leading 4-2.

Next up Liam Blakeley (26.27) v Danny Goddard (23.45) to me the match of the day. Two youngsters going toe to toe in a close exciting match. Perfect start for Liam (5 perfect darts into a 9 darter) but a 13 dart winning first leg. Nip and tuck from there all legs going with throw forcing a decider, Liam with the darts. Close deciding leg Liam had one dart at 11x returns hits the big 3 wires 4s with remaining two darts. Danny giving IT LOADS as he pinches the win. Great game nice to have Liam back you won’t lose many in the B with a 26.27 average. Mark Porter (Potty 23.57) v Paul Shepherd (24.23) up next Potty down from the A. First two legs went to Paul, then Potty started finding the range and levels at 2-2. Paul with throw in the 5th leg hits two scores of 121 and goes into the lead. Potty keeps his nerve and gets a deserved deciding leg against throw. Potty saved his best leg to last hitting a 101 and a 140 to leave 62 which he pokes to get the win. (about time luck and the darts went Potty’s way) Kevin Smith (23.56) also down from the A always looked in control running out a 4-1 winner.

Next up Richard Wright (Freddy 26.60) now Freddy had been talking to me in the bar last night telling me how he was playing well and to expect a new him tomorrow, well it wasn’t the cider talking as he played really well. Richard had a go at 146 wiring 13x for the shot out returns pokes it. Rich wires tops for a 111 shot out and goes onto win comfortably 4-2 and was Dorset's Man of the Match. Matt Read (Mooster 24.54) v Jank Hill (23.07) up next in a noisy match the MC a couple of times having to say “Best of order please” taking this close game into a decider. Mooster with throw leaves 56, he hits the big 16 waits while MC says again “Best of order please no shouting out while the players are throwing” as someone loudly had shouted “miss miss” not off putting at all as Mooster hits tops first dart and the Dorset players and Supporters give it loads. Great game. Up last Terry Gowans back in the B after a short time on the bench losing 1-4 but our two game deficit turns into a two game advantage with the Men's B winning 8-4.

Ladies A

Onto Sunday with a two game advantage. Up first for our Ladies A Beverley Scarff (17.32) v Heidi Gerrard (16.37) now Bev races into a 2-0 lead, then Heidi pokes a 123 and takes the next to force a decider. Bev hits a ton to leave 6 but can’t find the double losing 2-3. Trina Perry up next didn’t get a go at a double until the 3rd leg Angela Barrow (19.52) scoring well and hitting her doubles. Trina misses 6 darts at 40 losing 0-3. Suzy Trickett (18.56) next up played well made the stage her own and cruised into a 3-0 win and was Dorset's Lady of the Match. So after 3 games Dorset trail 1-2.

Next the game of the day by far for the Ladies A Rebecca Rose (26.19) v Claire Mabey (20.34). Both start with a 140 (wow) Claire back on 130 as Rebecca takes the first leg. Rebecca hits a 180 in the 2nd but Clare scores well and no messing at 16x to level. Rebeca hits ANOTHER 180 going 2-1 up. Claire is playing well just can’t find the lipstick and when she does she gets a bounce out. Rebecca starts the 4th leg with back to back tons and pokes 98 to take a 3-1 win. Rebecca’s 26.19 the highest average of the weekend a lot of B players would of loved that sort of average. Rebecca was Hertfordshire’s Lady of the match. Katie Mitchell up next far from her consistent self losing 1-3. That left Sam Kirton (17.68) up last Sam rushes into a 2-0 lead then in the 3rd leg has 15+ goes at a double before it eventually gave up (that winning double can be so hard to hit) giving Sam a 3-0 win. So the ladies A lose 2-4 and the MATCH all even at Hertfordshire 12 Dorset 12.

Men's A

Up first playing his Debut in the A Jordan Sharpe (26.86) playing against Leigh Peters (26.23) what a high scoring game this was Jordan going into a 2-0 lead then Leigh hits a 180 followed by a 140 and after 12 darts he’s sat on tops, and takes the leg. In the 4th Jordan hits a 177 to leave 36 Leigh a 121 to leave 24 Jordan misses Leigh doesn’t and levels at 2-2. From there Jordan goes onto take a 4-2 win nice 1st match in the A. Nigel Lamb v Phil Coward (26.16) up next takes the first leg, then Phil went up a couple of gears winning 4-1 the score line not reflecting how close the match was. Dan Perry (23.48) next up doing more than enough to win 4-1.

Tommy Morris (25.88) v Darren Williams (26.05) next up. Tommy scoring well but misses a few doubles and finds himself 0-3 down. Tommy pokes 106 to pull a leg back, then takes the next. Darren hits a 180 and misses 19x for a 155 shot out and then tidies up beating Tommy 2-4. Dale Masterman v Simon Almey what a strange game this was. A game of missed doubles all the way through match going to a deciding leg again Both players missing numerous doubles the leg and match going to a very RELIEVED Dale Masterman. David Elm up next hits a 180 and a 140 on his way to taking the first leg in 18 darts. From there he seemed to lose his range losing 1-4. So after 6 matches all square at 6-6.

Stephen Earley (24.74) next up no problem a convincing 4-0 winner. Richard Gomm v Josh Richardson (27.70) Richard losing 1-4 Josh was Hertfordshire's Man of the match and 27.70 was the highest average of the weekend. Carl Beattie (24.95) up next playing well and wins 4-1.

Ricky King (24.58) v Chris Jones (23.28) a close match this was going to a deserved deciding leg, Chris with the darts. Ricky saved his best darts to the last leg decider hitting a 180 and a 140 to leave 98 but can’t buy a double eventually poking 5 to get the win and guarantee at least a draw. Scott Mitchell (27.61) v Chris Shipley (23.39 one of Hertfordshire’s MCs) Scott taking first leg in 17 darts. Chris hits a 180 and after 12 darts sat on 96 Scott back on 131. Both miss doubles leg to Scott, who then takes the next to go 3-0 up. Chris gives it loads as he pokes 150 to take a leg off the x world champion. This seemed to spur Scott on as Chris is back on 270 as Scott sat on 71 and it’s a 4-1 win for Scotty Dog Mitchell who was Dorset's Man of the Match. That left Robbie Martin (24.42) up last v Lee Rose (24.57) 3 breaks of throw and Robbie was 2-1 up. Robbie wires tops for a 116 shot out returns hits double 10 last dart in hand to go 3-1 up. Close 5th leg going with throw to Lee. Close 6th leg both had a go at the bull both at 25 again whose going to hit the double? Robbie takes a 4-2 win and our Men's A win the last 4 matches to take a 8-4 win.


Well what a great result. Dorset remain undefeated this season and remain at the top of the league table.

It’s normally the women that give us a great chance to win, not this time it is about time the Men performed. Some great games and what a strong 4 men to finish with the draw certainly went our way with the men anyway. Claire Mabey awesome you played great but Rebecca Rose hitting two 180's and not messing at the double was always going to be tough to beat but a 20+ average far from shabby. Men's B and A played as a team, great result from both the support as with most away games was tremendous we took over the venue MOSTLY only our cheering you could here. Nice to see Ryan Mabey supporting again.


Next game early February at home. See you all there.


Northamptonshire 16-20 Dorset
Women's B Lost 2-4 // Mens B Won 4-8
Women's A Lost 2-4 // Mens A Won 4-8

Match Report by Martin Maidment


Team Manager


Ladies A

  • Sam
  • Claire
  • Katie
  • Trina
  • Beverley
  • Suzy

Ladies B

  • Julie
  • Donna
  • Wendy
  • Jamie
  • Lorraine
  • Macie
  • LAMB

Ladies Reserves

  • Julie
  • Sally
  • OLD (Captain)

Mens A

  • Carl
  • Steve
  • David
  • Richie
  • Ricky
  • Nigel
  • Robbie
  • Dale
  • Scott
  • Tommy
  • Daniel
  • Jordan
  • ELM
  • GOMM
  • KING
  • LAMB

Mens B

  • Liam
  • Rob
  • John
  • Ryan
  • Geordie
  • James
  • Richard
  • Mark
  • Matt
  • Kevin
  • Ian
  • Richard
  • PORTER (Captain)
  • READ

Mens Reserves

  • Steve
  • Jamie
  • Terry
  • Robby
  • ELM (n/a)
