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Gwent v Dorset - UKDA National League 2022/2023 Season - Dorset County Darts

Away v Gwent - Saturday 1st / Sunday 2nd October 2022

Womens B

Darts British Inter County Championships 2022/2023 Division 1 Gwent v Dorset Womens B Scorecard

Womens A

Darts British Inter County Championships 2022/2023 Division 1 Gwent v Dorset Womens A Scorecard

Mens B

Darts British Inter County Championships 2022/2023 Division 1 Gwent v Dorset Mens B Scorecard

Mens A

Darts British Inter County Championships 2022/2023 Division 1 Gwent v Dorset Mens A Scorecard

Gwent v Dorset Match Report

Gwent County Darts Logo
Dorset County Darts Association on Green Background Logo

As you all know I love my County darts following Dorset so what a great way to start the month of October with an away game on the 1st-2nd be it some 3 hours away from my home in Dorset. A lot of the Dorset players travelled up on the Friday as most live further away than me and it’s nice just to settle in slowly ready for the games ahead. I was on the 14th floor of the hotel boy o boy I was so glad for the lifts and the views tremendous never seen so many bridges. So how did we do?

New venue for Gwent this season playing out of Cwmbran Workingmen’s club in Cwmbran nice spacious venue with plenty of practice boards were you can still watch and listen to the action happening up on stage. Nice food cheapish drink what more could you possible want except a WIN for your team. Only downer POOR WI-FI had to use someone's phone as a Hotspot to do my usual posts onto the Dorset web page the matches as they unfold almost live anyway I digress back to the matter in hand.

Ladies B

Up first for Dorset Beverley Scarff playing only her 2nd game for Dorset winning lady of the match on debut today she starts well wiring tops for a 109 shot out returns and takes the first leg. Very close 2nd and 3rd legs both having chances at the double Bev taking both to win 3-0 with a 17.68 average and made it back to back lady of the match wins, can’t get a better start than that. Next up Macie Woodrow v Mel Williams. Macie playing well pokes 59 to break Gwent’s throw, Mel from Gwent broke straight back. Game of broken throws as Macie goes 2-1 up. Mel giving it the big COME ON as she levels to force a deciding leg. The throw an advantage in an evenly scoring deciding leg then 3 bad scores in a row from Macie gave Gwent's Mel Williams first go at a double and she doesn’t miss I knew the winning double was there by the shout Mel gave as it went in. Mel Williams was Gwent's Lady of the Match with a 17.66 average. Sally Old (ladies captain for Dorset) up next v Cheryl Vodden and what a close nervy match this was. Both players in every leg had a go at a winning double the match going to a deciding leg again both had chances a relieved Sally finally hitting the winning double for Dorset to put Dorset 2-1 up.

Next up for Dorset Lorraine Woodrow who takes the first leg, but that seemed to kick Hayley Mathews (Gwent) into gear as she takes the next 3 legs to take the win. Jamie Louise Walker up next making her debut for Dorset. Jamie taking the game into a deciding leg had chances but losing 2-3. That left up last for the draw (no pressure then) Donna Mabbatt. Now Donna’s game was one of missed doubles playing Megan Vodden both had chances at doubles in every leg and no surprise seeing this match going to a deciding leg, this time however Donna hit the winning double first dart (it’s a funny old game) to take the 3-2 victory and give the Ladies B team a 3-3 draw.

Mens B

Up first for Dorset John Clark who had what can only be described as A NIGHTMARE not finding it at all losing 1-4. Ryan Mabey up next most un Ryan like losing 0-4 just didn’t settle up on stage. Then a cracker of a game Matt Read (Mooster 25.81) v Leuan Halsall (25.95), Ton plus shot out gave Gwent the 1st leg then back to back 140s and no messing Gwent go 2-0 up. Matt pokes 60 to pull a leg back then 3 tons in the 4th leg and no messing at the double and we are all even at 2-2. After 12 darts in the 5th leg Matts on 32 and goes 3-2 up. Gwent's Leuan Halsall pokes 103 to force a deserved deciding leg Leuan saved his best leg for last after 12 darts he’s sat on tops and takes the win. Good standard of darts great game to watch. Leuan was Gwent's Man of the Match. Dorset now trailing 0-3.

Rob Channing up next in a close game against Gwent’s Ryan Cook first two legs went with throw. Robs sat on 114 as Ryan hits the big fish 170 shot out to go 2-1 up. All legs going with the darts so another decider again going with throw to Gwent. To say it’s not going to plan is an understatement Dorset trailing Gwent now 0-4. Jordan Sharpe (23.86) v Craig Lloyd (23.42) up next Craig from Gwent giving it loads as he races into a 3-0 lead he did go a little quiet as Jordan takes the next 3 legs to force a decider and at last Dorset have something to cheer about as he wins 4-3 now that’s some come back Jordan was also Dorset's Man of the Match. Next up Richard Wright (Freddy) for Dorset now Richard has been struggling a bit of late now playing in the B team, Freddy played consistently well hitting a 23.10 average taking a 4-1 win. (welcome back mate) So half way with the scores at Gwent 4 Dorset 2

James Green (22.04 Dorset) v David Skinner (24.74 Gwent) up next Gwent rushing into a 2-0 lead very vocally. James pulls a leg back then Gwent go 3-1 up David giving it the big COME ON with every big score and double hit. It’s funny when Dorset do it “we love it” when Gwent do it “we hate it” that’s darts. Gwent's David Skinner did go a little quieter when James levelled to force a decider which he took to take the win 4-3. Matty Woodhouse up next for Dorset. Matty have to say needed a win as he’s another player whose been struggling of late. Today more Matt like taking a 4-1 win. So Dorset lost the first 4 won the next 4 so all even going into Ian Spann’s game, Ian in an evenly matched game losing out 2-4. Next and making his Debut for Dorset George Grant. Now George has played County darts before but not for Dorset. George looked at ease up on stage and came out a confident 4-0 winner. Next Richard Perry who’d been practicing well didn’t take the practice game up on stage losing 1-4. That left Terry Gowans up last for the draw. Some including myself have labelled Terry “The Luckiest Player In Dorset well today it DESERTED him as he loses 1-4.

So with the ladies drawing 3-3 and the Men losing 5-7 all to do Sunday. Gwent 10 Dorset 8.

Ladies A

Up first Katie Mitchell (Dorset) v Cheryl Jones (Gwent) first two legs going with throw then a game of missed numerous doubles (we’ve all been there) Katie winning 3-1. Julie Boggust (Dorset 16.85) v Ceri Stephens (Gwent 17.42) what a close match this one was Gwent's Ceri out scoring Julie but it’s all about hitting the double Ceri missing 12 darts at the madhouse that is double one to win 3-1 Julie PINCHING it to force a decider (never give up never surrender). Julie out scores Ceri in the decider both had chances winning double finally going in for Julie taking a hard fought 3-2 win and was Dorset's Lady of the Match. Sam Kirton (16.16) up next Sam played well cruising to a 2-0 lead then can’t find that winning double how many times did the M C say “NO SCORE” but Sam wasn’t going to miss for ever and wins 3-0. Ideal start the women now winning 3-0 this is much more like it.

Next Claire Mabey (16.78 Dorset) v Shannon Chappel (16.75 Gwent) nice standard of darts in an evenly matched game Claire losing 1-3. Next Trina Perry who played well but missed a few doubles Jess Bonner for Gwent didn’t Trina losing 0-3. That left Julie Frampton (20.32 Dorset) v Tracey Hicky (18.94 Gwent) the game of the weekend for the ladies, Gwent going into a 2-0 lead Julie fighting back to get a deserved decider. Tracey with throw taking the win. Julie highest average of the weekend but losing to Gwent's lady of the Match Tracey Hickey. So Dorset win the first 3 matches, Gwent the last 3, so a draw.

Mens A

Up first Carl Beattie who had an off day losing 2-4 to Gwent’s Geraint Harbon. Next Nigel Lamb (Dorset 26.17) v Mathew Kay (Gwent 28.71) Nigel taking the first leg then Gwent hit two 180s Nigel hits a 180 also but loses 1-4. Mathew Kay was Gwent's Man of the Match. Next up Scott Mitchell (Dorset 27.32) v David Skinner (Gwent 25.34, David having played yesterday also) What a match this was Scott hitting a 25 going for a 161 shot out taking the first leg. David hits a 180 and gives it LOADS Scott pokes 100 to go 2-0 up. After 12 darts in the next Scott on 36 Gwent on 91. Scott takes it 3-0. A 180 from Gwent who again is very vocal a 140 from Scott and after 12 darts Gwent on 156 Scott on 96 leg with throw to Gwent. Another 180 from Gwent and the place erupts Scott misses doubles Gwent doesn’t (Scott 3-2) Scott hits a 180 on his way to leaving his favourite tops but misses 3 darts at it Gwent poke out to level at 3-3. Nervy decider both start poorly then they both hit 140s sparking the game back into life. Scott leaves 32 Gwent back on 163. Scott calm and collective throughout showed his emotion and love of Dorset and the game of darts as he takes the 4-3 win. 30+ average all day long after 3 legs but a few missed doubles un Scott like brought it down to a winning 27.32. Even Nervy for me watching. Scott showing great bottle to take the win.

Next up Mark Porter (Dorset Potty) v Peter Johns (Gwent) now Potty’s one of the fastest throwers out there and Peter one of the slowest, the match not pretty to watch and it affected Potty’s game Peter did nothing wrong and Potty loses 2-4. Next Robbie Martin (Dorset 27.33) Robbie throwing some of the best darts I’ve seen him throw for a while and runs out a 4-1 winner. Next Tommy Morris (Dorset 27.33) v Nathan Treadgold (Gwent 23.60) wins comfortably 4-1, so at the halfway stage the scores stand at Gwent 3 Dorset 3

Richie Gomm (Dorset 25.11) v Jesse Hill (Gwent 27.35) what a close game this was going to a deserved deciding leg which went Gwent's way. Not looking good Gwent winning 17- 14 with 5 left to play. Dan Perry ( Dorset 27.63) v Dewi Beynon (Gwent 27.22) another cracker. Now Dan plays with passion and gives it a come on with big scores and hitting doubles and he’s another fast thrower Dewi is the same so it was a very exciting game to watch loads of big scores and no messing at the doubles Dan coming out the 4-2 winner. Next Steven Earley (Dorset 24.41) now with Steve you never know if Steve the dart player is going to show up, well today he seemed more confident and ran out an easy winner 4-1.

Ricky King (Dorset 29.42 v David Needs Gwent 25.98) first two legs went with throw. After 12 darts in the 3rd leg Ricky’s on 16 and one dart he breaks to go 2-1 up. After 12 darts in the next Ricky’s on 25 Gwent back on 144 and he goes 3-1 up. Ricky has a go at the bull for the win leg to Gwent. No messing in the 6th leg and Ricky King wins 4-2 and was Dorset's Man of the Match also taking the money for highest average of the weekend, and more importantly levelling the overall scores to 17-17. Next up Kevin Smith (23.47) who loses 2-4 to Alec Small (26.50) that left David Elm up last for the draw.

David Elm (Dorset 24.78) v Mike Fleet (Gwent 24.78). Now David’s been playing well lately and this is his first game in the A and what an important game it is would he hold his nerve and play well? I believed.

Mike pokes 115 to go 1-0 up with throw. David misses the bull returns pokes the 25 to level at 1-1. David pokes 68 to break Gwent's throw. After 12 darts in the 4th leg David leaves 82 then tops which he hits first dart to go 3-1 up. Gwent with throw go 140 120 140 and pull a leg back. David leaves the mad house that is double one Gwent hit 80 to leave 20, (one up one in comes the shout from the Dorset supporters all glued to this important game) David Elm cool as you like hits it first dart to take a 4-2 win and gain us a valuable draw, and the place erupts.


At Gwent 17 Dorset 14 it looked all over but with a great team spirit and believe we clawed it back to get the draw. As I’ve said before with players like Tommy Morris Dan Perry Carl Beattie Dale Masterman and Ricky King you can all give Scott a run for the Man of the Match trophy. Julie Frampton highest ladies average of the weekend just needed that little rub of luck, next time you are ware you belong in our Ladies A. Girls again two draws and the men had to perform. So many missed doubles kept me on the edge of my seat. Next game another away one over 5.5 hours for me longer for most of you, Gwynedd see you all there Green army STILL UNDEFEATED this season and marching on. Is this year our year? Who knows. Onwards and upwards.


Dorset 18-18 Gwent
Women's B Drew 3-3 // Mens B Lost 5-7
Women's A Drew 3-3 // Mens A Won 7-5

Match Report by Martin Maidment


Team Manager


Ladies A

  • Julie
  • Julie
  • Sam
  • Claire
  • Katie
  • Trina

Ladies B

  • Donna
  • Sally
  • Bev
  • Jamie
  • Lorraine
  • Macie
  • OLD (Captain)

Ladies Reserves

  • Suzy
  • Wendy
  • TRICKETT (n/a)
  • LAMB

Mens A

  • Carl
  • Steve
  • David
  • Richie
  • Ricky
  • Nigel
  • Robbie
  • Scott
  • Tommy
  • Daniel
  • Mark
  • Kevin
  • ELM
  • GOMM
  • KING
  • LAMB
  • PORTER (Captain)

Mens B

  • Steve
  • Rob
  • John
  • Terry
  • Geordie
  • Ryan
  • Richard
  • Matt
  • Jordan
  • Ian
  • Matt
  • Richard
  • READ

Mens Reserves

  • James
  • Dale
  • Robby
  • MASTERMAN (n/a)
