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Dorset v Sussex - BICC 2018/2019 Season - Dorset County Darts

Home v Sussex - Saturday 13th / Sunday 14th October 2018

Dorset v Sussex Match Report

Dorset County Darts Association on Green Background Logo
Sussex County Darts Logo

Well what a good win Dorset had away to Gwent last month, now the question on everyone's lips "could we keep the winning momentum going" well week ending Saturday 13th - Sunday 14th of October saw Dorset take on Sussex at our home venue The Con Club in Upper Parkstone. Now we haven't played Sussex since 2010, I found it very nostalgic looking at the names of some of the players that played for us then, the likes of Jan Sharps, Wayne Ramsier, Richie & Paul Carter, Chris Martin, Sam Sawyer, Ben Ward, Alison Dibden, Stephen Penney and of course tick tock Mark Stock WOW was that really as long as 8 years ago how time flies, anyway that's enough NOSTALGIA how did we do AS A TEAM.

No one likes going on first or last for a team, that pleasure Saturday went to Suzy Trickett who didn't disappoint playing as Suzy can and winning 3-0 and setting the ladies an average to beat 20.69. Cath Campbell (18.11) up next played well and also won 3-0 we couldn't of wished for a better start. Next up Carol Llewellyn now Carol out scored Sussex's Denise Peake and should of won 3-0 but this game can be so CRUEL so many missed doubles and Denise not only took the win 3-0 but Lady of the Match for Sussex hitting a 17.28 average. Sally Old up next more of the same SO MANY MISSED DOUBLES and you could see Sally was annoyed with herself (hey we've all been there some more than most) as Sally loses 1-3.

Let's hope THE WALL OF INTIMIDATION kicks in, me I love to see it THE LADIES all forming a line to wish next player on good luck. That next player was little miss reliable Trina Perry, Trina's experience came to the fore she looked relaxed and at home up on stage and her darts did the talking winning 3-0 hitting a lady of the match 21.17 average. Last up for the win (no pressure then) Kelly Stroud. Kelly might not of scored heavily but around the double no messing giving our ladies B team a 4-2 victory, Kelly winning 3-1. (SWEET) That's two 4-2 wins in a row for our Ladies B and memories of their great season ware they were undefeated all season springs to mind could they do that again this season (of course they can) Bring on the Men's B.

Up first our favourite "doorman and bouncer" Richard Perry, Rich doing it at Superleague but can't buy himself a win up on that County Stage how I do feel for him as he runs out a 0-4 loser. MOOSTER Matt Read up next, Matt taking a year off last season has come back SHARPER and Fresher than before banging not only a 27.05 average in a tough game against Sussex's Harry Jackson (25.17) but winning 4-1 and he looked so at ease up on stage. Robby Morris up next fought hard and got a deserved 4-2 win. Daniel Perry up next so wanted to win against the County he plays in the youth for, but TODAY it wasn't to be losing 1-4 (even if he did hit the higher average,) so match all even at 2-2.

Next up Matt Yarrow what a nip and tuck game he had forcing his game into a deciding 7th leg against the throw Matty victorious and getting deserved clapping and shouting from the DORSET MASSIVE. Steve Earley up next didn't play badly but Dan Bradford (Sussex) played better hitting a 26.10 average was Sussex Man of the Match winning 4-1. Dan Walker up next, well Dan had what can only be described as a MARE he did win two legs but hit a 18.66 average (most un Dan like) losing 2-4. That put our Men's B 3-4 behind.

Next up Graham Inniss (24.73) now even Graham will tell you, you never know WHICH Graham is going to turn up, well the good winning Graham did winning 4-1 and after the hand shake he came to the edge of the stage and gave it his OY OY Loudly nice to see. Ryan Mabey up next always gives it 100% and more often than not grinds out a win, today he fell 2-3 behind but managed to force a final deciding leg again against the throw Sussex having missed that winning double (the hardest one to hit) Ryan saved his best leg to last hitting 97 to leave tops and returns to take the win.

Carl Beattie up next, now Carl threw some of the best darts I've EVER seen him throw not only running out a 4-1 winner but was our Man of the Match hitting a 30.67 average, and putting Dorset back in front 6-4. WOW. Next up for the win Dan Adams, now Dan just didn't turn up we ALL have OFF DAYS and today this was his losing 0-4. That left Declan Harris to get us the win. Now Declan shows his emotions not always a good thing when your not scoring well a little tut here a shake of the head there gives your opponent the edge, NO signs of that today (our nagging obviously worked) as he never looked like losing winning 4-0 and getting the Men's B a well deserved and HARD FOUGHT 7-5 win. So going into Sunday the scores standing at DORSET 11 SUSSEX 7 a great start for us would it be enough?

Up first for our Ladies Peri May Yarrow (21.74) Peri up against CASEY GALLAGHER now you probably recognise the name if not she's been on the TV often reaching finals, well I think Peri gave her a fright she didn't beat her but played exceptionally well going down 1-3 as expected Casey was Sussex Lady of the Match hitting a 24.47 average. Next up Julie Frampton (19.32) who had a real battle against Lisa Withers (19.88) the captain of Sussex ladies, Julie losing 1-3 putting Dorset 0-2 down. Katie Mitchell up next throwing a much straighter controlled dart winning 3-1. Sarah Chick up next back after a season off playing like she can not only winning 3-0 but hitting a Lady of the Match average of 21.47.

Next up Lorraine Woodrow up against her name sake Crystal Woodrow, Crystal got to the double first in the first leg and eventually hit it. Crystal k/o next leg 180 100 and is having a go at a double Lily back on 245, 12-15 darts later Lily gets a go at a double and pinches the leg, Crystal went to pieces from there. Lily starting the 4th leg with a 140 and hitting a 134 to leave 44 and it looks like it's all over but Lily leaves 9 needs a BIG 1 hits the treble to leave 6 and hits it (any double is a good double if you hit it) to win 3-1 and put our Ladies 3-2 up, our superstar Sam Kirton up last for the win.

Sam hits a 125 followed by 137 to leave 44 but 12ish darts at a double not good and Sussex's Becky King pinches the leg. In the 2nd Sam hits a 105 to leave tops and again missed 8-9 darts at a double Becky takes the 2nd. Sam takes the 3rd Becky back in the 200s. Sam well ahead in the 4th missed doubles gave Becky a go at 56 Sam on madhouse double one Becky misses Sam hits her 2nd double to force a deciding leg with the throw. Sam no luck on 49 hits the treble not single 17 Becky takes the win. So a Draw for our ladies still giving Dorset a 4 game advantage. Bring on the Men's A.

Up first Danny Pearce who gets us off to a good start winning 4-2. Next Henry Cooper (28.32) who had a battle on his hands against a Tony Ayres, 15 dart with throw gave Henry the first, 15 gave Tony the 2nd, and the match continued that way forcing a final leg decider. It took a 167 shot out from Sussex's Tony Ayres the highest of the weekend and what a time to hit it to beat OUR HENRY no surprise Tony was Sussex Man of the Match hitting a 30.90 average. Next up CLARKY John Clark (team manager) the match not going John's way as he loses 1-4, followed by THE JACKET Richard Wright (25.72) who loses also 2-4. Next Robbie Martin (29.53) now Robbie's been playing really well lately and hits 3x180s on his way to a comfortable 4-2 win. The Big Show Dale Masterman up next is a little slow to start and goes 0-2 down before he starts to find his range losing 2-4 so after 6 matches Dorset trail 2-4.

Next up one of our superstars Mark Grimes (28.18) Mark starts well breaking Sussex throw with a twelve dart (115 shot out) first leg starting with 5 perfect darts. Mark goes 3-2 up then a NERVY 6th leg from both players BOTH missing numerous doubles Mark FALLING across the winning line 4-2. Next up Tommy Morris (27.16) who played really well both him and Andy Macintosh (28.26) hitting the lipstick with regularity, Tommy with fire in his belly giving it the COME ON with every big score or winning double hit (that's what we love to watch) Tommy played GREAT but at times inconsistent hitting a 180 followed by 28 that cost him and he loses 2-4. Next Nigel Lamb who goes 0-3 down but pulls it back to 2-3 now with throw Nigel misses doubles in the 6th Sussex don't. So Dorset 3-6 down with 3 to play but what a 3.

Lee Turle (28.90) up next who has returned to us this year, he like Mark Grimes has hit a 9 dart perfect leg in a bdo comp (he got to keep the board) and finished his last game with a 160 shot out against Gwent, so NO PRESSURE THEN, Lee starts with back to back 140s and carried on that way winning 4-1 guaranteeing at least a draw for Dorset.

Scott Mitchell up next so cool calm and collective as he steps up on stage and gives what can only be described as an EXHIBITION of how this game should be played, Scott just got better leg by leg - 17, 16, 15 and best for last after 12 Scott sat on tops, Scotty Dog Mitchell runs out an easy 4-0 winner that's the Scott we know and ENJOY watching nice that he got us over the winning line, guaranteed win (VERY FITTING) and yet another Man of the Match for him hitting a 32.32 average and the Dorset Massive GIVE IT LOADS as Scott looks out from the stage to his BELOVED Dorset.

Potty Mark Porter up next and all of Dorset are watching as Potty takes to the oche and takes the first leg. Paul Robinson (Sussex not from NEIGHBOURS) doesn't let Potty have it all his own way as he hits an 11 dart winning 2nd leg. 3rd leg Potty misses several darts at 18x for a 14 then 15 dart leg ending up on 6 but any double is a good double when it goes in and he takes the leg and goes onto win 4-1. So what a comeback from our Men's A to get a well deserved 6-6 draw and the end result.

Dorset 20 Sussex 16


Well what a victory that was for us. You all fought well and supported each other TEAM SPIRIT was EXCELLENT, let's not get complacent as we've a long way to go. Next game against Cornwall we have the HOME ADVANTAGE but they are what I call a YO YO SIDE one season there with us then they are promoted next season they are down and so on. Some say they are too good for this league and not good enough for the top division we need to show them WE ARE BETTER and I know we can. So many special games, I felt ladies B COULD of won 6-0 greedy I know but it was only MISSED DOUBLES that cost them. MOOSTER, Graham, Carl (new super star) Declan not showing weakness, Peri excellent you fought well didn't ever give up, Most of the Men's A Danny, Henry who looked gutted when the 167 was hit, Robbie, Mark, Tommy that's the fire we love to watch Lee, Scotty and Potty. Onwards and upwards Green Army on a high and marching on.

Mention to bar staff kitchen staff doorman/bouncer raffle ticket sellers and those of you who stopped behind to help tidy up and put the tables and chairs back its the little cogs like us that help and make the BIG WHEEL that is Dorset turn. Me I just provide the Parma Violets mints and sweets and commentary remember these are my views and opinions.

Love my Dorset Darts it's GREAT to be part of the big Dorset family. Roll on Cornwall it's only 3 weeks away, let's do them.


Dorset 20-16 Sussex
Women's B Won 4-2 // Mens B Won 7-5
Women's A Drew 3-3 // Mens A Drew 3-3

Match Report by Martin Maidment


Team Manager


Ladies A

  • Sarah
  • Julie
  • Sam
  • Katie
  • Lorraine
  • Peri

Ladies B

  • Cath
  • Carol
  • Sally
  • Trina
  • Kelly
  • Suzy
  • OLD (Captain)

Ladies Reserves

  • Roz
  • Julie
  • Donna

Mens A

  • John
  • Henry
  • Mark
  • Nigel
  • Rob
  • Dale
  • Scott
  • Tommy
  • Danny
  • Mark
  • Lee
  • Richard
  • LAMB
  • PORTER (Captain)

Mens B

  • Daniel
  • Carl
  • Steve
  • Declan
  • Graham
  • Ryan
  • Robby
  • Daniel
  • Richard
  • Matt
  • Daniel
  • Matt
  • READ

Mens Reserves

  • Paul
  • Alan
  • Simon
  • Matt
